college gpa calculator

College GPA Calculator

Calculate your College GPA by entering your course, grades and credits below.

The grade chart below shows the scale that will be used to calculate your grade point average. Make sure you select the correct grade scale so your GPA calculation is accurate.

Grade Points

This field is optional. Use this if you also want to calculate your cumulative GPA.





Your College GPA is:

Cummulative GPA is:


College GPA Calculator

Welcome to our College GPA Calculator – the convenient tool for calculating your grade point average. Whether you're a student or an educator, this user-friendly calculator simplifies the GPA calculation process for you.

How to Use the College GPA Calculator:

Follow these straightforward steps to calculate your GPA:

  • Select Your Grade Scale: Begin by choosing the GPA grade scale used by your school. If you can't find it, don't worry; just send us an email, and we'll add it for you.
  • Input Your Cumulative GPA and Credits (Optional): If you've already completed some courses and wish to calculate your new cumulative GPA, you can enter your current cumulative GPA and cumulative credits. The results will display your updated cumulative GPA.
  • Enter Your Course Details: For each course completed during the semester, enter the received grade, the number of credits, and optionally, the course name (e.g., History 101).
  • Add More Courses (If Needed): If you have more than five courses to input, simply click the "Add Course" button to include additional course details.
  • Calculate Your GPA: Click the "Calculate" button, and your GPA will be presented in the results area.
  • Clear Your Inputs: Use the "Clear" button to remove all your inputs and start over if necessary.

How to Calculate College GPA:

Calculating your GPA is a straightforward process:

  1. Multiply Grade Points: Multiply the grade points (e.g., A = 4 points) earned for each class by the number of credit hours for that class. Repeat this for all your courses.
  2. Add the Values: Sum up the values calculated in the previous step. This total represents your overall grade points.
  3. Sum the Credit Hours: Add up the credit hours for all your courses; this is the total number of credits.
  4. Calculate Your GPA: Divide the total grade points by the total credits. This division gives you your GPA.

College GPA Formula:

Use this formula to calculate your GPA:

// College GPA formula
GPA = (Total Grade Points) / (Total Credits)

The formula is a simple way to compute your GPA efficiently.

Real-Life Example:

Let's go through an example. Suppose you're taking three courses this semester: math, science, and speech.

In math, you received an "A," which is worth 4 grade points, and the class is worth 3 credit hours. In science, you received a "B," worth 3 grade points, and the class is also worth 3 credit hours. In speech class, you earned another "B," worth 3 grade points, and it's a 2-credit-hour class.

Here's the calculation:

  1. Multiply Grade Points: Math: 4 x 3 = 12, Science: 3 x 3 = 9, Speech: 3 x 2 = 6.
  2. Add the Values: 12 + 9 + 6 = 27.
  3. Sum the Credit Hours: Math and science are both worth 3 credit hours, and speech is worth 2 credit hours. So, 3 + 3 + 2 = 8.
  4. Calculate Your GPA: Divide 27 by 8, which equals 3.38. Therefore, in this example, your GPA is 3.38.

That's it! Our College GPA Calculator simplifies the process, making it easy to determine your GPA accurately.

Benefits of Using College GPA Calculator:

  • Quickly calculate your GPA with precision.
  • Helps students track their academic progress.
  • Efficient tool for educators to manage grades.


The College GPA Calculator provided by Calculator Central is a valuable tool that simplifies GPA calculations for both students and educators. It streamlines the process, allowing you to make informed decisions about your academic progress. Use it to save time and effortlessly calculate your GPA.

Note: If the tool does not work properly or the results are different than you expected, please help us improve it by providing details about the issue. Click here to contact us and report the problem.

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