grading calculator

Grading Calculator

Effortlessly compute grades and letter grades with the Grading Calculator.


10/10 = 100%

Number Wrong Grade Letter Grade
0 100% A+
1 90% A
2 80% B
3 70% C
4 60% D
5 50% E
6 40% F
7 30% F
8 20% F
9 10% F
10 0% F

Grading Calculator

Our Grading Calculator is a simple and effective tool to determine your grade quickly and accurately. Whether you're a student checking your test scores or a teacher calculating your students' grades, this calculator makes the process hassle-free.

How to Use the Grading Calculator:

  • Enter the total number of problems or questions in the first input field. You can easily adjust this number using the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons.
  • In the second input field, specify the number of questions you answered incorrectly. You can also modify this value using the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons.
  • Once both fields are filled, the calculator will automatically compute your grade.

Grade Percentage Formula:

The grade percentage is calculated using the following formula:

// Grade Percentage formula
grade percentage = ((total number of questions - number wrong) / total number of questions) x 100

Example Calculation:

Here's an example to illustrate how to use the formula to calculate your grade:

Suppose you took a test with 50 questions and answered 5 of them incorrectly.

To find your grade, apply the formula: (50 - 5) / 50 x 100 = 90%

So, your test grade would be 90%.

Benefits of using Grading Calculator:

  • Quick and straightforward way to determine your grade.
  • Useful for both students and teachers.
  • Eliminates the need for manual grade calculations.


Our Grading Calculator simplifies the process of calculating your grade, saving you time and effort. Whether you're checking your test scores or assessing your students' performance, this calculator provides accurate results with ease. Say goodbye to manual calculations and hello to efficiency with our Grading Calculator.

Note: If the tool does not work properly or the results are different than you expected, please help us improve it by providing details about the issue. Click here to contact us and report the problem.

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