percentage calculator

Percentage Calculator

Easily calculate percentages for discounts, tips, and more with our user-friendly Percentage Calculator.

What is % of ?
is what percent of ?

Percentage Increase/Decrease

from to

Percentage Calculator

The Percentage Calculator on our website is a versatile tool designed to simplify percentage calculations for a variety of purposes. Whether you need to determine a percentage of a number, find what percentage one number represents of another, or calculate percentage increases or decreases, our calculator has you covered.

How to Use the Percentage Calculator:

  • What is {percentage}% of {number}? Enter the percentage and the number, and our calculator will provide you with the result. For example, if you want to know what 20% of 150 is, simply input "20" and "150," and you'll get the answer.
  • {number} is what percent of {number}? Input the two numbers, and our calculator will calculate the percentage. For instance, if you want to find what percentage 25 is of 80, enter "25" and "80," and you'll get the result.
  • Percentage Increase/Decrease from {initial value} to {final value}? Specify the initial and final values, and our calculator will compute the percentage change. Whether you're tracking price changes or growth rates, this feature provides valuable insights.

Real-Time Example:

Suppose you're shopping and want to know the discount on a $50 item with a 15% discount. You can use the "What is {percentage}% of {number}?" function by entering "15" for the percentage and "50" for the number. Our calculator will instantly provide you with the discounted amount, which is $7.50.

Benefits of the Percentage Calculator:

  • Efficiency: Quickly calculate percentages for discounts, tips, or any other scenario without manual calculations.
  • Comparison: Easily compare two numbers to find out what percentage one represents of the other, aiding in data analysis.
  • Financial Planning: Use percentage change calculations to monitor financial growth or declines, making informed decisions.
  • Educational Tool: Learn and understand percentages better by using real-world examples and practical calculations.


Our Percentage Calculator is a valuable tool for anyone who needs to work with percentages. Whether you're shopping, managing finances, or conducting data analysis, this calculator simplifies percentage-related tasks and provides you with quick and accurate results. With its multiple functions and real-time examples, it's an educational and efficient tool that can benefit users in various aspects of daily life.

Note: If the tool does not work properly or the results are different than you expected, please help us improve it by providing details about the issue. Click here to contact us and report the problem.

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